Horizontal Sight Angle
for EN 17937

EN 17037 compliant

The Horizontal Sight Angle is the measurement at a point of the viewing angle towards the outside. 

The Horizontal Sight Angle indicator is used in particular by the European standard EN 17037 (in UK: BS EN 17037:2018 Daylight in buildings).

The EN 17037 standard uses 3 thresholds for the sight angle: 14°, 28° and 54°. This extension has to designed to follow eactly the norm recommendations. You may use the more general
Horizontal Sight Angle module if you do not want to follow the EN17037 norm.

Easy visualization according to EN17037

Every calculated surface is displayed in false colors according to the palette to allow immediate understanding of the results

Horizontal Sight Angle in DL-Light

Visualization of area according to thresholds

The threshold mode shows each space according to the threshold defined in the norm.

Horizontal Sight Angle  in DL-Light

Visualization of area according to thresholds

The threshold mode shows each space according to the threshold defined in the norm.

Horizontal Sight Angle  in DL-Light