Daylight Factor
for EN 17037
UK specificities

DL-Light calculates the Daylight Factor. DF is calculated and results are directly displayed within the 3D SketchUp model.

The European norm EN 17037 introduces new requirements and thresholds for the calculation of the Daylight Factor. DL-Light implements them and allows to directly calculate the compliance to the standard.

The United Kingdom has introduced several differences compared to the general EN 17037 norm. They are taken into account in this module, thresholds, types of spaces, etc

Visualisation of compliance with EN17037 Daylight Factor with UK requirements

DL-Light displays the levels reached by the spaces according to the definitions in the EN17037 norm for UK

DF EN 17037 UK inside DL-Light

The report gives the exact values for each surface with scale adapted to UK thresholds

DF EN 17037 UK inside DL-Light

Synthesis calculation shows directly compliance to the norm and the UK specificities

DF report for EN 17037 UK in  DL-Light