Mostadam Rating System Extension


Mostadam is the new Rating System introduced in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It has been designed to be well adapted to the climate of the Kingdom in order to develop sustainable buildings in Saudi Arabia.

DL-Light extension Mostadam rating system Sketchup model

More information can be found on the official website.

We present here only the targets focusing on Daylighting in Mostadam Rating System for the 3 categories of building identified in Mostadam (Education, Commercial and Residential).

Within Mostadam the calculation of illuminance levels (lux) should be performed for 6 differents moments corresponding to "summer equinox and solstice" at 10am, 12am and 2pm (as specified in the standard).

The requirements for the 3 categories of buildings are :

In its Mostadam module DL-Light chains these 6 calculations to provide the aggregated result corresponding to the requirements of Mostadam Rating System. It also provides the 6 individual results to allow for further investigation to improve the project.

Because of these 6 chained calculations the aggregated results required by Mostadam necessitates intense computation that may be compared to the calculations of 6 Daylight Factors one after the other. Moreover, Mostadam indicates that simulation should be performed using 7 bounces of natural light.

Hence the calculation time needed is higher than for other metrics.