In version 1.5:
bugfix “Blocking when choosing center view”
Improved Help files
In version 1.3:
Allows to choose the center of the rotation
Source code of Camera Spiral (MIT license).
Colors represent the number of hours of direct sun on surfaces calculated with SunExposure.
Select images folder: select the directory were computed images are saved.
Edit config: choose various configuration options, see below.
Set start position: choose current view as starting position.
Set end position: choose current view as ending position.
Make show: only display the rotating show, no images created.
Make images: display the rotating show and create images.
Stop: stop show and images computation.
Help: show this message.
About: about this utility.
Center: center the camera view on either axe origin, start position or progressive move from start to end position.
Duration: duration of rotation in seconds.
Loop: for show only, keep rotating for ever.
Rotations: specify the number of rotations, 1.0 for one full circle, negative to reverse direction.
FPS: for images generation, number of frames per second.
Images prefix: for images generation, prefix of the generated images files.
Width: for images generation, width in pixels of images.
Height: for images generation, height in pixels of images.
Antialias: for images generation, use antialias.
Image type: for images generation, choose either JPG or PNG format.
Transparency: for images generation, set background to transparent.
Blocking: for images generation, lock the process. WARNING: using this option will lock the application during the (maybe long) duration of images generation. Do not set this option or you may need to kill the application and lose your model.
License : MIT